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Are We In A New Housing Bubble?

  More questions are being raised about the future outlook of the economy, and now the real estate market. Is a new housing bubble inflating? If so, how do we successfully invest through it? Housing Bubble Vs. Healthy Growth There are those on both sides of this debate.  The Real Estate Bears The Federal Reserve…

Foreclosures Surge By Over 100%

Foreclosure filings rose by over 100% last month. How does that impact the market, and opportunities for real estate investors? Rising foreclosure rates typically sound like negative data trends. It is certainly always sad when someone loses their home. Though it may also be healthy for the overall market. So, how do current foreclosure trends…

Multifamily Rents Growing Even Faster Than Last Year

Even after the incredible growth seen last year, multifamily apartment rents don’t seem to be slowing down. Just how fast are apartment rents growing now? What’s the forecast for the rest of the year? How might this impact both renters and investor landlords? Multifamily Rents Are Growing According to Zumper and the National Rent Report,…

How Record High Gas Prices Could Affect Markets

Some experts have predicted we could see another 100% increase in gas prices. How might such a substantial rocketing of such an essential part of everyday life and business impact the markets and investors? Gas Price Forecasts Analysts expect that gas prices could double in the weeks ahead. That would push them to all new…


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The Hands-Off

Want to invest in real estate but don’t have the time? Get the introductory chapter to this insider’s guide to investing in passive real estate syndications.